We are from US IT Solutions, an ISO Certified, E-Verify, WMBE Certified organization established in 2005 in CA. Our company is serving various State, Local and County Departments for over 10 years. USITSOL has been helping clients innovate across all phases of the application lifecycle for over a decade. Some of our prestigious clients are State of CA, State of OR, State of FL, State of NC, State of GA, State of CO, State of VA, State of AR, State of MI, State of OH, State of IL, State of MO, State of MS, California State University, Sacramento Area Sanitation Department, SMUD, Sound Transit, LA Superior Courts, District of Columbia, UMAS, University of Central Florida and Hennepin County and many more.
ยท 2+ years professional Ruby and Ruby on Rails experience
ยท Familiarity with Git, RSpec, and Capybara
You can reply back to this email with your updated resume to ankur.aggarwal@usitsol,com or give me a call on this number 510-254-3300 ext 357